This week Pastor Dawn’s shares a sermon prepared by Bishop Michael Pryse for Synod were he reflects on how we should trust God, as the disciples did.
Focus Text: Mark 4:35-41; Luke 10:25-37
This week Pastor Dawn’s shares a sermon prepared by Bishop Michael Pryse for Synod were he reflects on how we should trust God, as the disciples did.
Focus Text: Mark 4:35-41; Luke 10:25-37
Jordan Smith joins us again as guest preacher in Pastor Dawn’s absence.
The story of David’s anointing as king is used to show how God can choose leaders in the church, and how all of us are called to live a life that shows God to the world.
Focus Text: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13
In the midst of the recent Ontario election and the upcoming Eastern Synod’s election for bishop, the words of 1 Samuel can provide us with guidance on both what qualities to look for in a leader and also what we should be cautious of when choosing new leadership. Jordan Smith preaches in Pastor Dawn’s absence.
Focus Text: 1 Samuel 8:4-20, 11:14-15
Pastor Dawn talks about keeping sabbath in the suburbs and the different ways in which we can approach sabbath.