Faith in the unknown – Fourth Sunday of Easter

This week Pastor Dawn encourages us to look closely at Psalm 23 as we broke into pairs to discuss it together. This recording includes the introduction and a summary of the discussions, as well as teaching from Pastor Dawn.

You may also want to explore Psalm 23 with these directions either alone, with a partner, or with a group.

  1. Read Psalm 23
  2. Share what this psalm means to you. Perhaps it raises a certain memory. Share that if you feel comfortable.
  3. You can also try these questions.
    1. How is God described in this psalm?
    2. This psalm names a lot of different settings-the dining room, by a still lake, a dark valley. Where do you find yourself right now? What is the hope God offers in that place? How could that hope be present in your life right now?

Third Sunday in Easter – Love at breakfast

This morning, Pastor Dawn announced her resignation and her move to St. John’s Anglican Church, West Toronto. Her announcement was followed by a response by David Berg, our Council Chair, sharing about what to expect in the near future. We have included the announcement here, along with Pastor Dawn’s sermon, which you can find around 13:50. We apologise for the poor audio quality of the sermon.

Agnes Wasuk Petia-South Sudan Council of Churches

On Reign of Christ Sunday we welcomed Agnes Wasuk Petia, National Woman’s Program Coordinator for the South Sudan Council of Churches, as our guest preacher. Agnes was in Toronto for the Women of Courage: Women, Peace and Security gathering with KAIROS Canada. She spoke of the hope and resilience the people of South Sudan find in the promises of God.

Texts: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 and Psalm 93 • Revelation 1:4b-8 • John 18:33-37

Our Precarious Present

While the disciples contemplate the “indestructable” temple in Jerusalem, Jesus reminds them, and us, that nothing is permanent and was not meant to be. But what about the things we hold on to, that mean a lot to us? Pastor Dawn reflects on the break-in we experienced in July to consider these things.

Texts: Mark 13:1-8; Hebrews 10:19-25

Peace Sunday

How does a congregation built by people with a different story of war remember? For the first time, we mark Remembrance Sunday in our own way, remembering the costs of war.


What is a saint?

For All Saints Sunday, we learn about saints, and what makes them remarkable.

Text: John 11:32-44


We give thanks for the blessings of this life, and recall why it is important to give thanks every day.

Texts: Psalm 126 and Matthew 25-33

The Child

This week Pastor Dawn shares the story of the child and the kingdom of God, as we celebrate another baptism this month.

We Are More

Pastor Dawn speaks to the life lessons we learn when we are younger, our new outreach and ongoing relationship to Toronto Metropolitan University, the different identities represented and how they strengthen us.

Mercy Overalls Judgement

Pastor Dawn leads us through one single verse of scripture, from the Letter of James, inviting us to let the words sink in, reflect on them, and share our thoughts on the verse.

That’s It

Have you ever been so sure of something but nobody believes you? It can be frustrating beyond belief.

In today’s sermon, Pastor Dawn shares Jesus’s moment of this frustration and trying to tell his disciples who he is.

Food For The Journey

Pastor Dawn shares the story of Elijah calling on God’s power and the resulting fear and depression that he experiences after, echoing an emotional roller coaster that many people encountering mental health are familiar with. But God wants to feed us, he does not choose death.

We Are Worthy

How do we form our loves as a response to the love that God has bestowed upon us?

Pastor Dawn shares Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and his encouragement to live as God has invited us.

We Are All Loved

Pastor Dawn broadens our understanding of love in saying that anger can exist in the same place as love. In the Bible, we read messages about God’s anger but that does not mean God doesn’t love us and is not in opposition to love.

The letter to the Ephesians which is written on behalf of Paul makes the statement that we are loved simply because we are God’s children.


Pastor Dawn talks about home and shares her own story of going back to her hometown of Souris, PEI while looking like a city girl.

Even if being home feels good for people, that doesn’t mean it is perfect. It was the same for Jesus and his disciples, who had very heavy expectations placed on them.


Pastor Dawn talks about the long waiting times we often have to endure and how to have patience and hope with God.

Focus Texts: Lamentations 3:22-33; Psalm 30; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark 5:21-43

Trust In God

This week Pastor Dawn’s shares a sermon prepared by Bishop Michael Pryse for Synod were he reflects on how we should trust God, as the disciples did.

Focus Text: Mark 4:35-41; Luke 10:25-37

Called to Leadership

Jordan Smith joins us again as guest preacher in Pastor Dawn’s absence.

The story of David’s anointing as king is used to show how God can choose leaders in the church, and how all of us are called to live a life that shows God to the world.

Focus Text: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13

Looking for Leadership

In the midst of the recent Ontario election and the upcoming Eastern Synod’s election for bishop, the words of 1 Samuel can provide us with guidance on both what qualities to look for in a leader and also what we should be cautious of when choosing new leadership. Jordan Smith preaches in Pastor Dawn’s absence.

Focus Text: 1 Samuel 8:4-20, 11:14-15

Keeping Sabbath

Pastor Dawn talks about keeping sabbath in the suburbs and the different ways in which we can approach sabbath.

Holy Trinity

How we think about God…matters.

How we talk about God…matters.

How we pray to God…matters.

How we tell others about God…matters.


Join Pastor Dawn in an activity from Trinity Sunday as she talks about why it all matters.


Foucs Text: John 3:1-8

Check out the following links from this sermon: Plus links to and



The Breath of God

On Pentecost, Pastor Dawn speaks about the Holy Spirit coming down to earth, the breath of God. She leads the following common breathing exercise:

Deep breath

Breathe out all the cares and concerns and anxieties

Breathe in God’s mercies

Breathe out all stress and tension

Breath in God’s life giving love


Focus Text: Ezekiel 37:1-14


Remembering the words of assurance Jesus gave to us before he rose to be with the Father.

Focus Text: Luke 24:44-53

Love for All, Hatred for None

Pastor Dawn speaks about the core of John’s gospel and the final commandment Jesus gave on the night before he did, to love one another as He has loved us.

#TorontoStrong – Faith and Tragedy

After the horrific van attack that shook Toronto, Pastor Dawn speaks on having faith and sharing it in times of tragedy and how important love and our vocation is in times like these.

This sermon features a poem by Anne Michaels, the poet laureate of Toronto.

Symbols and Imagery

Listen to our own Scott Weidler and Adrienne Findlay-Jones teach us about imagery, symbols, and some traditions in the church as part of our narrative service.

Confronting History

What about the Crusades?

What about the Holocaust?

What about the Church’s treatment of women and same sex couples?

What about Residential Schools?

Pastor Dawn continues her Easter preaching series.

Doubts and All

Authenticity – Doubts and All: April 8, 2018

Pastor Dawn continues our Easter preaching series, From the Garden to the City, by showing us how Thomas and the disciples find common ground through their doubts.

Focus text: John 20:19-31


Easter: April 1, 2018

Pastor Dawn begins our Easter preaching series, From the Garden to the City, about sharing our faith in the media echo chamber of toxic forms of Christianity.

Focus text: John 20:1-18